
8 Python Coding Best Practices You Need to Know

By App Academy

August 25, 2023

Python is a sophisticated, widely used coding language that, for developers, acts as an artist’s paint brush to a canvas. In fact, it’s one of the most popular languages today. 

But what happens when there are missing fundamentals, structure, or other components from a long string of language? It begins to distort the message. Having a strong understanding of the following 8 Python best practices will help you produce stunning works of art, translated through code.

Why Is It Important to Use Best Practices When Coding with Python?

Python programming is incredibly versatile. It can be used to help build everything from a simple command prompt to a complex game development, AI, and more. 

Learn More: What is Python Used For?

Following Python coding best practices ensures that your code is consistently clean and readable. It encourages code reusability, reduces the likelihood of bugs (not to mention, makes it easier to discover and repair bugs), and makes it easier to maintain and restructure. 

As Python’s philosophy revolves around readability and simplicity, adhering to these standards and practices can help developers harness the full potential of Python’s elegant syntax.

4 Basic Best Practices for Python Development

Before digging into Python development, there are four fundamental pillars you should focus on: formatting and syntax, documentation, testing, and naming conventions. Each of these Python coding standards and best practices supports the development process by laying the foundation for more advanced concepts.

1. Formatting & Syntax Best Practices

One of the easiest ways to ensure code quality is by following the PEP8 Python coding style guide for formatting and syntax. Consistent code formatting makes your code easy to read and understand, easy to maintain, reduces errors, and makes it easier to collaborate. This involves best practices around stylistic choices such as indentation, line spacing, use of white space, and comments.

Indentation Guidelines

Python best practices for code quality include using four spaces for each indentation level. It also outlines that tabs and white spaces should not be intermixed (spaces should be used, not tabs). And lastly, indent consistently from start to finish.

Line Spacing

Line spacing guidelines for Python include using blank lines sparingly. Top-level functions and class definitions should be separated with two blank lines while method definitions should be separated by one. 

These guidelines also indicate that lines should be kept reasonably short, around 79 characters (though some coders prefer 99-119). Lastly, line breaks should be used with care and incorporate things like parentheses, brackets, backslashes, and braces to break up longer strings of code.

White Space Usage

PEP 8 indicates to avoid trailing whitespace on all lines, except those that are otherwise blank. It also directs to use spaces around binary operators, such as equal signs, brackets, etc. You should also avoid extra whitespace, ensuring not to place them inside brackets or before commas.


Comments are another important part of basic Python best practices, as they provide insights into each piece of code. Keeping comments up-to-date is crucial, as outdated comments can be worse than having none at all. 

Comments should be used to explain why the code is the way it is or the problem it’s solving, rather than detailing what it does. Comments should be written using docstrings, when applicable, as they can tie the code to a module, function, or class. And lastly, inline comments should be used sparingly and separated by at least two spaces from the statement, starting with a hashtag and a single space and indented to the same level for each line.

Tools to Enforce These Guidelines

Various tools can help enforce these standards, such as PEP8 checkers and formatters, linters, and integrated development environments (IDEs). Some popular PEP8 checkers include Pylint and Flake8. Popular auto formatters include Black and YAPF. Common IDEs include PyCharm, Sublime Text, and Visual Studio Code.

2. Documentation Best Practices

Clear, current, and comprehensive documentation is a cornerstone of maintainable code. This extends beyond simple comments within your codebase, including module-level docstrings, function, and method explanations, plus context for more complex blocks of code. Here are some Python coding best practices when it comes to documentation:

  1. Write docstrings for all public modules, functions, classes, and methods.
  2. Follow docstring conventions as outlined by PEP 257.
  3. Keep docstrings current to the code.
  4. Don’t be redundant when documenting simple code.
  5. Use type hints with Python 3.5.
  6. Include examples when documenting more complex functions or methods.
  7. Use Automated documentation generators, like Sphinx and Doxygen.

When to Use Automated Documentation Generators

These handy tools create documentation automatically using your source code. This can save developers considerable time and effort. Some examples of when Python automated documentation generators come in handy may include when you’re using large or complex code bases, working on a collaborative project, using public APIs or libraries, working on open-source projects, and more.

Why Good Documentation Is Important

Documentation is a critical component of Python coding standards and best practices because it helps explain what the code does, how it does it, and why it was written that way. This is most helpful for complex sections of code where the functionality might not be immediately apparent, or when code can be done multiple ways but a certain way was selected. It supports code understandability, maintenance, collaboration, debugging, and long-term sustainability.

3. Testing Best Practices

Testing your code is yet another essential component of Python best practices for code quality. It ensures a quality completed code, can help catch bugs early, and ensures the code behaves as expected. You can utilize automated testing libraries and frameworks as well as best practices to ensure you’re testing effectively.

4. Naming Conventions Best Practices

Naming conventions will also help keep your code consistent and easy to understand and maintain. Python outlines established conventions for naming variables, functions, classes, and modules in their PEP8 guidelines. Names should be self-explanatory, and describe the information in a descriptive way. Some of the Python coding standards and best practices for naming conventions include:

4 More Advanced Best Practices for Python Development

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can move on to more advanced practices. These involve code organization, performance optimization, security, and scalability. They help manage more complex projects and prepare your code for production environments.

1. Code Organization Best Practices

As your projects get larger and more complex, organizing your code becomes even more important. This involves thoughtfully structuring your files and directories, using modules and packages effectively, and following established design patterns. Following the Python best practices for organization will help ensure your code maintains readability and is easier to debug and modify.

2. Performance Optimization Best Practices

While Python may not be the fastest programming language, there are several ways you can optimize the code for better performance. This includes writing efficient code by avoiding unnecessary calculations, making good use of data structures and algorithms, and using tools and libraries designed for performance. Make Python better by using the performance best practices below:

How to Measure & Improve Python Performance

The performance of your Python code can be measured using various modules and libraries. One popular one is the built-in “timeit” module that measures execution time in small bits to help find bottlenecks. You can also try NumPy and Pandas, which provide precompiled functions for numerical tasks quickly. For slow code, you can use Cython to help gain substantial improvements.

3. Security Best Practices

Security should be a priority in any development project. This means writing secure code, handling sensitive data carefully, and using libraries and tools that help protect against common vulnerabilities. Libraries such as PyCrypto and requests for secure HTTP communication can help you secure your Python applications. Python coding standards and best practices for security include:

Why Python Security Is Important

Security when creating code of any kind, including Python, is paramount. For one, it ensures data protection for sensitive information, such as personal details and financial information. It also helps secure system integrity and instill trust in users. Adhering to code security standards also ensures legal compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA.

Popular Secure Python Libraries

Using secure libraries will help protect your code from malicious attacks. Some of the most popular and best secure Python libraries include pyOpenSSL for SSL/TLS protocol, bcrypt for password hashing, Paramiko for SSH2 protocol, and cryptography for primitives.

4. Scalability Best Practices

Finally, as your application grows, you should also be thinking about scalability. This means designing your systems to handle increased loads effectively, organizing your code for large code bases, and leveraging Python’s features and libraries that help with scalability. Here are some Python best practices for scalability:

Learn Python at App Academy

Whether you’re brand new to Python or an experienced developer looking for a refresh, reviewing the newest Python best practices is a surefire way to start off on the right foot. Creating structured, organized, and readable code is a key skill needed for developers on any career path, and adhering to these guidelines will help ensure each line of code you create is clean and effective now and well into the future.

Discover what you can do when you take your Python coding skills to the next level with App Academy. Our 100% online coding bootcamps include a comprehensive curriculum designed to prepare you for the career you want. Everything from the basics to advanced techniques and concepts are covered, setting you up for success.

Our courses are designed to help you become a competent, confident Python developer ready to tackle real-world challenges. Learn more about our Python courses at App Academy and start your journey to becoming a Python expert today.