How Fast Can You Learn HTML?

By App Academy

August 14, 2023

As the digital world continues to evolve, the value of web development skills has only been increasing. As a foundational stepping stone into the world of programming, HTML stands out for its relative simplicity, flexibility, and ubiquity. But how long does it take to learn HTML? We’ll explore this question in depth, addressing a variety of factors that can affect the learning timeline.

What is HTML?

HTML, an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language, is the standard markup language used for creating web pages. It allows you to structure content on the web consistently and in a standardized way. Web browsers use HTML to interpret and render content on the web, such as text, images, videos, forms, and other multimedia elements.

HTML is different from most other coding languages because it focuses on the structure and layout of the data, not on the operations performed by the data. In HTML, you work with ‘tags’, which are names (wrapped in angle brackets) that instruct the web browser how to format and display the content.

Another significant feature of HTML is its ability to create hyperlinks, using the ‘a’ tag. This feature, called ‘hypertext’, is essentially what makes the web a ‘web’, linking different web pages together.

Read More: Learn HTML & CSS: Why These Basic Coding Languages Are Fundamental to Programming 

What is the New HTML5?

HTML5 introduced a slew of new semantic elements that web developers can use to better structure their web content. These new elements include <header>, <footer>, <article>, <section>, <nav>, and <aside>. HTML5 also comes with enhanced support for multimedia, with tags like <video> and <audio> allowing easier embedding of multimedia elements.

Why Learn HTML?

HTML is often one of the first coding languages that web developers learn and is one of the basic coding languages fundamental to programming. Having this solid foundation is important and can help introduce those new to code to the world of programming in an easy-to-grasp way.

What Can You Do With HTML?

At the most basic level, HTML is used to build and design websites, but that’s not all you can do with it. HTML is pivotal in many aspects of the digital world. Some of the other things HTML is used for include:

Jobs That Use HTML

HTML skills are in high demand across several industries, particularly in the digital and technology sectors. Here are some popular jobs that heavily rely on HTML:

The salary for a coder who knows HTML can also be appealing. Coursera reports that, depending on location and experience, the average salary for a web developer in the United States is around $82,600, while full-stack developers earn nearly $121,000.

How Popular is HTML Coding?

HTML is one of the most widely used programming languages in the web development industry. According to the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, HTML was the second most popular technology among professional developers. 

With its ease of use and widespread adoption, HTML is a great choice for coders who are just starting out in web development.

Pairing HTML with Other Coding Languages

HTML forms a powerful combination when paired with other languages. For instance, CSS adds style to the HTML structure, while JavaScript boosts functionality and interactivity. Other languages like PHP, Python, or Ruby can enhance HTML with dynamic and data-driven capabilities.

How Long Does it Take to Learn HTML?

When it comes to learning HTML5 or HTML, most users can gain a foundational understanding and grasp key concepts within a span of a few weeks to several months. However, it’s important to acknowledge that several factors can influence the timeline of this learning process.

Past Experience

Those who have dabbled in coding before will very likely find HTML simple to grasp, allowing them to learn it fast. Previous exposure to logic behind code and the syntax of coding languages can give them a head start.


How you choose to learn HTML greatly influences the speed at which you become proficient. 

Coding bootcamps offer immersive and intensive programs, designed to teach you to code in a relatively short time frame, ranging from a few weeks to several months. 

On the other hand, pursuing a computer science degree through traditional schooling at a college or university can take around four years, encompassing a broader curriculum beyond HTML. 

Lastly, numerous online courses, video tutorials, books, and articles can provide the flexibility to learn HTML at your own pace while still acquiring the necessary foundational knowledge.

Explore Your Options:


Your lifestyle and commitments outside of studying can also have a significant impact on the speed at which you learn HTML. If you’re learning part-time while simultaneously working or studying, it goes without saying that it will inherently take longer to grasp the concepts and nuances of HTML compared to someone who can devote full-time hours solely to learning it. 

Balancing multiple responsibilities can be challenging, especially when juggling work or academia alongside acquiring new coding skills. However, acknowledging and accommodating these external factors can help you set realistic expectations and create a learning plan that suits your individual circumstances. Remember, learning HTML is a journey and it’s important to find a pace that works best for you.

Learn More: Coding 101: How to Code for Beginners and Where to Start

Personal Learning Style

Just like the other factors we’ve discussed, our individual learning styles affect how fast we absorb new information. While some people have a natural ability to grasp concepts effortlessly, others may need to devote focused time and effort to learn a new topic effectively.

Is Programming Right for You? Learn More: Can Anyone Learn to Code?  

Is HTML Hard to Learn?

Many beginners wonder if learning HTML will be challenging. The answer, like how quickly you can pick it up, is subjective and largely depends on your personal experience, prior exposure to coding, and learning style. Generally speaking, however, HTML is one of the easiest web development languages to learn.

HTML is a Declarative Language

HTML is a declarative language, which means you are essentially writing “descriptions” of what you want to appear on the web page. You use different tags to denote different parts of the webpage, and the browser reads these tags to display the content correctly. For instance, if you want some text to appear as a heading, you would wrap it in a header tag. This fundamental concept, once understood, can make HTML much less daunting for beginners.

That said, as with learning anything new, you might face challenges initially. You may need to invest some time understanding the syntax and structure of HTML, familiarizing yourself with various HTML tags, and learning how to structure an HTML document properly. Remember, each tag has a specific purpose and needs to be used correctly for the page to display as intended.

It’s also worth noting that HTML is seldom used in isolation in modern web development. It’s often used in conjunction with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript. So, while learning HTML might be relatively straightforward, understanding how it interacts with CSS and JavaScript can add a layer of complexity.

Despite these possible challenges, the simplicity and readability of HTML syntax, its widespread use, and the abundance of resources available for learning make it an accessible entry point into the world of web development. Moreover, the instant feedback you receive when you make changes to an HTML document and refresh your web browser can make the learning process rewarding and motivating.

How to Learn HTML Faster

If you’re wondering how to learn HTML fast, here are a few strategies that can help accelerate your learning curve:

Join a Coding Bootcamp

Coding bootcamps like App Academy offer comprehensive training programs that focus on HTML and other vital programming languages. Through a hands-on and immersive approach, students can learn HTML at an accelerated pace and gain the necessary skills to excel in the world of coding. 

Whether you’re a beginner or looking to level up your coding proficiency, coding bootcamps can provide the perfect environment for aspiring developers to thrive.

Gain Hands-On Experience

Practical experience through hands-on involvement is one of the most effective methods to consolidate your learning. By actively working on specific projects that require the application of acquired knowledge, you not only enhance your understanding but also significantly expedite the overall learning process. 

The tangible results and real-world challenges encountered during these endeavors serve as crucial building blocks, ultimately shaping your expertise and empowering you to take on even more complex tasks in your field.

Practice Every Day

Coding is a skill that improves with practice. Practicing HTML daily can significantly enhance your understanding and proficiency, allowing you to learn HTML faster.

Join an HTML Community

There are numerous online communities such as Stack Overflow, GitHub, and more where you can interact with other learners, ask questions, and share resources. These communities can be supportive and collaborative, enhancing your overall learning experience.

Learn HTML at App Academy

At App Academy, HTML is an integral part of the curriculum of both our 24-week full-time online bootcamp and our part-time online bootcamp. We focus on hands-on learning, with plenty of opportunities to work on real-world projects. With our comprehensive curriculum, you can learn HTML fast, as well as the essential languages and concepts that make it a relevant language in today’s digital world.

Whether you’re looking to take your career to the next level or shift your career path entirely, App Academy is an excellent place to start. With a focus on the basic coding languages fundamental to programming, the curriculum equips you with the skills needed to succeed in today’s digital world. Schedule a call with an App Academy admissions counselor to learn more about our programs. And, if you’re ready to dig in deeper, start exploring our programs to see which one might be a good fit for you!