What Can You Do With JavaScript? 7 JavaScript Applications

By App Academy

August 01, 2023

Have you ever marveled at the captivating animations or intricate applications on a website and wondered what makes them tick? The answer is actually pretty simple: the driving force behind these interactive features is a programming language called JavaScript.

But what exactly is JavaScript, and what is JavaScript used for? We’ll answer these questions as we demystify this popular coding language and explain how it’s become an essential tool for web developers everywhere.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript, the life of the web party, is a programming language that adds pizzazz to web pages by making them interactive and dynamic. JavaScript brings your web pages to life, allowing users to interact with buttons, reveal hidden features, or even trigger animations based on their actions. And that’s just the beginning.

JavaScript is a scripting language, which means you write it in small chunks, and then those chunks are run by the web browser when the page loads. It’s what makes your website engaging. It allows you to create more complex interactions between users and your site, giving them a better experience.

It also makes it possible for developers to add logic and control to their websites, which can make it easier for users to interact with the content there.

Why is JavaScript So Popular?

JavaScript’s importance lies in its ability to breathe life into static web pages. Before JavaScript, websites were primarily composed of static HTML and CSS, offering a limited user experience. Picture those early days of the internet when websites were just a collection of drab, text-filled boxes adorned with simple links.

With the introduction of JavaScript, a new era of web development was made possible because it granted developers the ability to craft more captivating and interactive web experiences. It enabled developers to write code that would run on a client’s computer instead of just on their server.

Users could have a better, more interactive experience all within their browser window. In other words, JavaScript is an incredibly powerful programming language that allows developers to create interactive experiences for users without their needing to download additional files or features.

 Today, JavaScript allows developers to build rich websites that are responsive and easy to navigate, which bolsters more powerful interactions between users and websites, one reason why JavaScript is so important for web developers today. 

Here’s a breakdown of some of the reasons JavaScript has become so popular:

What Can You Do With JavaScript? 7 JavaScript Applications

So, what can you do with JavaScript? The short answer: a lot! JavaScript is an incredibly powerful coding language that can be used to create everything from simple games to complex websites. There are even libraries that make working with JavaScript easier by doing a lot of the heavy lifting for you.

But let’s talk about some specific JavaScript uses. Here are some of the various things you can do with JavaScript.

1. Make Web Pages Interactive

With JavaScript, you can add features to your website that let visitors interact with your page. You can let them click on buttons or links, drag elements around on the screen, or even type in text boxes. In fact, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are the three core languages used in creating and designing modern web pages.

Think of these three languages as a cake. HTML is the cake batter, CSS is the icing, and JavaScript is the cherry on top that makes it unique. Together, these languages provide the structure, presentation, and interactivity needed for dynamic and engaging web experiences.

2. Creating Apps

The interactive experiences don’t just stop at your browser. Apps on your smartphone or tablet also use JavaScript to create these experiences. In fact, JavaScript can be used to develop hybrid mobile apps, which are web applications wrapped in a native container. 

Hybrid mobile apps can run on multiple platforms (e.g. iOS and Android) with a single codebase, making development more efficient compared to creating separate native apps for each platform. Take Facebook, for example, which uses React, a JavaScript library to build and manage its user interface components. 

Learn more: 9 Best Programming Languages for App Development

3. Building Web Servers

JavaScript has evolved to conquer the back-end world as well. Thanks to the Node.js framework, JavaScript now enables you to build powerful server-side applications with ease, which is great for making lightweight applications that don’t require a large amount of memory to run.

These applications can be used to serve content and perform other tasks without requiring the use of a separate language like PHP or Ruby on Rails. 

4. Game Development

JavaScript is also used for game development. While it might not be the go-to choice for creating massive, resource-intensive games like those built with C++ or C#, JavaScript shines when it comes to crafting browser-based and casual games. With the rise of HTML5 and its accompanying APIs, JavaScript has become a more powerful tool for game development, enabling developers to create games that run smoothly across different devices and platforms.

Learn More: The 5 Best Programming Languages for Game Development

5. Virtual Reality

The emergence of WebVR (now known as WebXR) has expanded JavaScript’s horizons, enabling developers to craft captivating virtual reality experiences directly in web browsers. WebXR is a JavaScript API that provides the tools necessary for creating immersive, interactive, and device-agnostic VR experiences that can be enjoyed across various platforms.

One of the key advantages of using JavaScript and WebXR for VR development is this cross-platform compatibility. Developers can create web-based VR experiences that adapt seamlessly to different devices, including desktops, smartphones, and VR headsets, without the need for platform-specific adaptations. For example, Google Earth was primarily built for dedicated VR platforms, but a WebVR/WebXR version has also been developed using JavaScript for web browsers.

6. Artificial Intelligence

While it may not be one of the best coding languages for AI development compared to some other languages like Python or Java, JavaScript still offers several advantages and libraries to make it suitable for certain AI use cases, especially those that are lightweight and web-based.

In particular, JavaScript’s seamless integration with HTML and CSS enables developers to create interactive and visually appealing AI applications that run directly in a web browser. 

7. Real-Time Updates

JavaScript is also well-suited for providing real-time updates to data feeds in web applications, thanks to its event-driven architecture, support for modern web technologies like WebSockets, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Chat applications like WhatsApp and online collaboration tools like Google Docs are just a few examples of this.

To return to our gaming example, JavaScript can even be used by browser-based multiplayer games to provide real-time updates on game states, player positions, and other information.

Start Developing Your JavaScript Skills with App Academy

JavaScript stands out as an incredibly versatile coding language, powering a wide range of applications, from interactive web pages and real-time data feeds to game development and virtual reality experiences. What you can do with JavaScript is ever-evolving due to its cross-platform compatibility, extensive ecosystem, and growing performance capabilities.

All of App Academy’s immersive programs are designed to teach you this in-demand skill, equipping you with the knowledge and expertise required to excel in your career. Our comprehensive curriculum, hands-on projects, and experienced instructors will help you master JavaScript — along with other relevant coding skills — to build full-stack projects and secure your place in the competitive job market.

Start exploring our programs to see which one might be the best fit for you!